Case 01

Download Platforms

At Datacosa, we believe that information is for sharing. So unlike our competitors we offer a free version for 5 users, to share insights you derived for raw data within your organization. This version will always remain free. You can easily upgrade to a paid version from within the application by clicking on upgrade button, after you are fully satisfied with our offering.
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OS Version:
Windows 10 and higher
Windows Server 2016 and higher

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OS Version:
Ubuntu 18 and higher
Centos 7 and higher
Fedora 32 and higher

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Please click on the link below for direct installation from Azure Marketplace.











Download Form

I agree to receive marketing and other emails from Datacosa

Minimum System Requirements

4 cores modern CPU
16 GB Ram
50 GB Hard Disk (SDD is preferred, disk size may vary depending on your data size)

***Datacosa is a high performance data analytics web application, that requires a server for best performance. Desktop installations may fail or perform poorly. Please get help from your IT department to install and evaluate the software in best conditions.
Online Installer

Our online installer, a small size setup file is downloaded and when the setup starts, the actual files required for installation are downloaded during installation. So every time you install or even re-install software, files will be downloaded from internet.

Offline Installer

Datacosa’s offline installer (or a standalone), all the provided packages are downloaded at once. Data size might be considerably big size. After installation you can use Datacosa without even connecting to the Internet.

You will be directed a website by clicking the provided button.